The Power of Confident Leadership

leader effectiveness leadership confidence leadership success

What’s your secret to leading confidently?” 

This is probably the question I am most often asked by clients, leaders, colleagues, and friends.

In times of tremendous change, how often do any of us feel really confident that we know exactly what we are doing?

By definition, to lead with confidence means to have a strong belief in oneself and one's abilities as a leader. However, the truth is ... it is hard to believe in yourself when you are not sure you know what you are doing. It is even harder to lead others when we ourselves are still figuring things out.

What I can share with you is that I don’t believe there is only one answer to the question. You see, throughout my career I have experienced major wins and losses. Sometimes on the journey it felt like I was skating on the thinnest possible ice, groping through the dark or feeling blindfolded while pursuing certain goals and targets. Often, just when I began to feel the first glimmer of confidence with how things were going ... BOOM! ... change would grab me by the collar to spin me in a new direction starting my jitters all over again.

What I have learned from experience and observing others is that, whenever we launch out into a new endeavor, it is natural to be a bit nervous, somewhat worried, and even a little unsure ... this is a mark of intelligence! The more intelligent we are ... the more likely we are to worry because we tend to anticipate all the possibilities of trouble. It takes a smart leader to understand fully the risks involved in any new endeavor and to master the fine art of worry. One thing for sure, anxiety should never block our path to success ... it should make us more observant as we move forward.

When you are in a leadership role, you are expected to make decisions and take actions without hesitation or doubt, while being open to feedback and adapt to changing circumstances. It is important to note that leading with confidence does not mean being arrogant or dismissive of others' perspectives. A truly confident leader is able to listen actively, show empathy, and value the contributions of every team member, creating a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

So, what can cause you to lose your confidence?

As a leader, you can lose your confidence for a variety of reasons. For example:

  1. Failure or setbacks: When you experience failure or setbacks, it can dent your confidence. You may begin to doubt your abilities or feel like you are not good enough to lead.
  2. Lack of support: If you don’t feel like you have the support of your team or other stakeholders, it can be demotivating and lead to your loss of confidence.
  3. Changing circumstances: Sometimes, changes in the business environment or organizational structure can throw you off balance and lead to a loss of confidence.
  4. Criticism or negative feedback: If you receive criticism or negative feedback, it can be difficult to shake off and can erode your confidence over time.
  5. Imposter syndrome: You may feel like you are not qualified or capable of leading, even if you have the necessary skills and experience. This can lead to a lack of confidence and self-doubt.
  6. Burnout: When you are overworked or under a lot of stress, it can take a toll on your confidence and motivation. You may feel like you are not performing as well as you should be or that you are not making progress towards your goals.
  7. Personal issues: You may also experience a loss of confidence due to personal issues, such as health problems, relationship issues, or financial stress.
  8. Lack of clarity or direction: If you are unsure about your goals or priorities, it can lead to a loss of confidence. You may feel like you are not making progress or that you are not sure what steps to take next.
  9. Impending change or uncertainty: If you are facing a major change or uncertainty, such as a reorganization or a change in strategy, it can be challenging to maintain confidence. You may feel like you don't know what the future holds or that you are not sure how to navigate the changes.
  10. Comparison with others: Sometimes, you may be comparing yourself to others and feel like you are not measuring up. This can be particularly challenging in a competitive or high-pressure environment.
  11. Lack of skills or knowledge: If you feel like you don't have the necessary skills or knowledge to lead effectively, it can lead to a loss of confidence. You may feel like you are not equipped to handle the challenges you are facing.
  12. Unrealistic expectations: If you have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others, it can be difficult to maintain confidence. You may feel like you are constantly falling short or that you are not meeting the standards you have set for yourself.

I have also discovered that the attitude of confidence is an important facilitator of success. The secret to leading confidently is hidden in specific habits, here are a few habits to consider to help you boost your leadership and regain your confidence edge.

  1. Listen to the people who use your products and services (aka your customers). I know this sounds basic, but you would be surprised how many businesses and leaders don’t get feedback from the people responsible for giving them employment in the first place. Get into the habit of talking with your consumers ... ask for suggestions ... pay attention to their feedback because they know what they want and what you are and are not giving them. Once you know this you can confidently offer your product and services.
  2. Treat your people well! The success of your company, business and leadership is only as good as the people who work with and for you. Treat people with respect and dignity and chances are that is how they will handle you, your partnerships, and customers. Believe it or not, people need more than a paycheck from you. Give your team a forum to make suggestions ... allow them to make decisions and let them feel they truly make a difference to you, the team, the division, and the company. Bottom line to leading confidently ... you don’t have to figure it out all on your own ... that is what teamwork is all about!
  3. Embrace change. Change is scary for most of us but don’t allow fear to hijack your success. Being a leader can be tough. When you are getting ready to implement a new way of doing things you may experience rejection of the idea, make mistakes along the way, or fight a lot of other challenges. A confident leader will stumble a little ... he or she may even fall ... but one thing for sure he/she will never quit!
  4. Be flexible. One of the factors that is bound to set you apart as a confident leader is your ability to recognize opportunities and your ability to turn your focus in a heartbeat as demanded by an opportunity. I have worked for several Fortune listed companies, so I know firsthand how easy it is to get bogged down with irrelevant work, rigid processes, and outdated thinking that caused our leadership team to miss significant opportunities. Make sure as you are growing the business and your team that you don’t become so shortsightedly focused on what you are doing that you can’t quickly change directions as the business trends and customer needs mandate.
  5. Check your ego. Just because you are the boss does not mean you are not part of the team!
  6. Admit your weaknesses. The ultimate win to leading confidently ... don’t try to do it all yourself. Many leaders tend to define themselves as superheroes (aka Superman or Wonder Woman) thinking no one can do as good a job as they can. As a result, many leaders are blinded by their own faults. Newsflash ... none of us are perfect! Understand what your weaknesses are and make sure you are not holding up work progress by micromanaging or doing tasks you are not well-suited for.

Leading with confidence requires a combination of self-awareness, communication skills, adaptability, and resilience. It is an ongoing process of learning, growth, and development that requires a willingness to take risks, learn from feedback, and continually strive towards becoming a more effective and inspiring leader. The above habits have served me well throughout my corporate career and continue to serve me well as an entrepreneur, business owner and executive coach. It is my wish that these habits will serve you well too as you unleash the confident leader in you!

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